Leicester Hockey Club

Leicester Hockey Club

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About the Club

Leicester Hockey Club are proud to support the FIH ideals of inclusion, diversity and respect. As part of this, we are committed to meeting all obligations in all aspects of player safety and child welfare. Please see "Welfare" on side menu for safeguarding-specific documentation.

Leicester Hockey Club supports England Hockey Code of Ethics and Behaviour

Leicester Hockey Club supports England Hockey Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Framework. 

Leicester Hockey Club Mission Statement and Club Values - see below (Revised February 2023)

Leicester Hockey Club Codes of Conduct for Players, for Parents and for Coach & Officials - see link (LEFT-SIDE SUB-MENU) or download PDF below (Revised February 2023).

Leicester Hockey Club - combined document: Rules, Statements & Policies - see below for instructions and to download PDF (Revised March 2023)

Club Documents

  • LHC Constitution 2022 PUBLISHED.pdf
  • LHC Safeguarding Commitment 2023.pdf

Our Mission

The club will promote the growth and development of hockey in the area of Leicester, providing the best possible environment for all players to reach their maximum playing potential through excellence in coaching and support.

Our Values

● We are accessible - Questions about our club are welcomed

● We are accountable - We will be transparent about what, how and why we operate the

way we do

● We are dedicated - We expect all members to make a commitment to the club and to its

teams. Club members will be encouraged to provide service to the Club by taking up

roles and responsibilities.

● We are disciplined - We expect all members to follow our Code of Conduct.

Representatives of LHC will conduct themselves in all their dealings in a manner which

demonstrates integrity and earns respect.

● We play for enjoyment - Participating should enhance people’s natural enjoyment of


● We strive for excellence and integrity - We set, work towards, and achieve the highest

standards. We act in a fair, consistent and transparent manner.

● We are respectful. We believe in fair play. Respect the appointed umpires, officials, and

players of opposition teams. Respect your fellow teammates, coaches, and club

members: support them to your utmost in your team endeavours.

● We believe in service - All participants should feel that they have the best possible

experience and good value for the time and money that they have committed.

The complete document of Rules, Statements & Policies is password protected - LHC members can obtain this through the Teamo App - just ask Club President or Club Secretary

LHC Code of Conduct for Players

  • Arrive for training and matches on time to prepare thoroughly.
  • Take responsibility for checking times, travel conditions, pitch locations, shirt colour requirements. Players are expected to be at match venues at least 30 minutes before start time. This may be increased by Team Captains
  • Let Captains know availability as soon as possible and avoid late withdrawals except through injury or exceptional circumstances. Inform the coach as soon as you know you cannot attend, or are going to be late to a training session or match. 
  • Wear the right kit for matches and training. This includes a well-fitting mouth guard and shin guards. Club kit should be worn. All league home games are played in red shirts, black shorts, black socks. Away games are generally played in white shirts, black shorts, white socks. Any loaned shirts are the financial responsibility of the individual or the squad to which they have been loaned.
  • Warm up and cool down properly. Inform the coach of any injury as soon as possible.
  • Do not leave the match or training session early without first informing the captain/coach.
  • Learn and play by the rules of the game. 
  • Respect the spirit of fair play in hockey. This is more than playing within the rules. It also incorporates the concepts of friendship, respect for teammates and the opposition, and respecting the decisions of the umpire or the coach
  • Be a good sport – win with modesty, lose with dignity.
  • Only the Team Captains should discuss decisions with umpires during a game. Direct any queries to your Captain. Shake hands with opponents and umpires at the end of a game.
  • Recognise and applaud good play. Set a positive example for others, particularly young participants and spectators. Never use inappropriate language or gestures
  • Protect others involved in the game from verbal or physical abuse and threatening or intimidating behaviour.
  • Pay all subscriptions and fees due to the club on time. 
  • Red and yellow card procedure will follow EH guidelines. Players may be reported to the Committee for repeated Green/Yellow cards or general disciplinary offences.
  • Abide by the Leicester Hockey Club disciplinary policy.
  • Abide by the England Hockey Safeguarding, Equity Policy, Anti-Doping Rules and other relevant policies. See our welfare page for the policies we are signed up to as a club.
  • Abide by LGS site regulations. Note: LGS is a no smoking site.
  • Ensure that social media sites do not contain material that may be, or considered to be, potentially derogatory, offensive or abusive. Comments that are open to the public must reflect respect, courtesy and tolerance and contain only appropriate material.
  • Players are encouraged to arrange their own personal accident insurance.

LHC Code of Conduct for Parents & Carers

  • On your child’s behalf, assume the Code of Conduct for Players (Help them to organise correct kit, match times, locations, match fees)
  • Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good performances of all.
  • Encourage your child to learn the rules and play within them.
  • Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials, lead by example.
  • Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.
  • Never force your child to take part in sport.
  • Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes.
  • Publicly accept officials’ judgements.
  • Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
  • Support the team coach’s instructions, team selection process and match tactics.
  • Use correct and proper language at all times.

LHC Code of Conduct for coaches, club officials and volunteers

  • Consider the well-being and safety of participants before the development of performance.
  • Develop an appropriate working relationship with players, based on mutual trust and respect.
  • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part.
  • Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  • Follow all guidelines laid down by the national governing body and the Club, covering safety, inclusion, ethics and conduct.
  • Hold an appropriate DBS certificate. Pass an approved Safeguarding course. Pursue the appropriate coaching qualifications.
  • Never exert undue influence over players to obtain personal benefit or reward.
  • Promote the positive aspects of the sport including fair play, sportsmanship and enjoyment.

Welfare Information

Leicester Hockey Club are proud to support the FIH ideals of inclusion, diversity and respect. As part of this, we are committed to meeting all obligations in all aspects of player safety and child welfare.

Leicester Hockey Club supports England Hockey Code Of Ethics LINK: RESPECT Code of Ethics and Behaviour

Leicester Hockey Club supports England Hockey policy LINK: Equality, Inclusion and Diversity Framework

The Club has adopted the England Hockey’s Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Hockey Policy. All of our Coaches, Team Captains, and Managers in Junior and Senior sections are made aware of their responsibilities for the welfare of all U18s. Follow the links below for further detail.

Leicester Hockey Club has adopted England Hockey Commitment to Safeguarding (see below) June 2020

Club Welfare Officer

Our Club Welfare Officer is Andy "Smudge" Smith

Andy supports and promotes good safeguarding practice and is the point of contact for all our members, parents, coaches, managers and players. If anyone has any welfare concerns at all, please contact via the link below.

Abiding to all confidentiality and disclosure procedures, all concerns will be investigated accordingly.

Smudge Smith


If you have any urgent concerns that a child, young person or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger you must call 999


Help for adults concerned about a child: Call NSPCC on 0808 800 5000

Help for children and young people: Call Childline on 0800 1111

(If you are aged 19 or under, Childline can help you with any issue you are going through - visit their website to speak to someone online, or call 0800 1111)

First XI Club Coach - Statement Of Aims 2022 - 2025

The purpose of this document is to give the 1st XI purpose and direction. We all love this sport, dedicate ourselves to training and performance in matches, so lets add a layer of direction. Get this part right and everything else from points in the league, to feel-good socials off pitch will fall into place.

The Present

  • To secure promotion this year. (**D5E Runners-up and promoted 2021-22** - **D4E Runners-up & promoted 2022-23**)
  • To improve game awareness - when to be direct and ruthless, when to minimise turnover.

Our Principles

  • To be respectful to fellow team mates, punctual, wearing the correct kit and positive in everything you do.
  • To be competitive and driven to succeed, ensuring the highest league standards.
  • To ensure the longevity of the club, giving juniors the opportunity to succeed at the right level of ability, allowing this progression to naturally occur.
  • To be able to offer these juniors an elite opportunity where they can see a pathway and not move away from the club to fulfil this.
  • To give back to the club giving your time umpiring, coaching and volunteering.

The Future

  • To source a new set of playing and training kit with a brand new direction.
  • To be competitive at a regional level from Division 1-3 in the next 5 years.
  • To annually integrate 3 U18 players into 1st XI training and match days when appropriate.
  • To create an over supply of players ready for 1st XI through structure of coaching and information sharing across teams.
  • To continue a formal link with Leicester Grammar School & Leicester University, integrating talented students to training and opportunities to play Saturdays at the club.

Henry H 2021-22 Season

Contact us today if you are interested in finding out more about our club either as a player, official, coach or volunteer.

Over the years Leicester Hockey Club has introduced a procession of youngsters to the sport. Many then move away to study or work and we hope they come back to us or continue to enjoy the sport wherever they end up! Some of our young players need to develop with bigger clubs and higher leagues; we wish them well and celebrate their success.

Here are some of the fantastic players LHC has had the privilege to help on their hockey journeys:


David Condon  Click Here for England Hockey midfielder No.22

England &GB (2009-2023)

200 Caps (64 GB, 136 England)


Amar Chudasama


Rohan Bhuhi

England U16 (2016), England U18 (2017, 2018), England & GB U21 (2019)

Great Britain EDP (2018 - 2023)

Yuvraj Bhuhi

England U16 (2019), England U18 (2020, 2021) 

Great Britain EDP (2022 - 2023)

Tom Moorhouse

England U16 (2018, 2019), U18 (2019, 2020), England U21 (2021)

Great Britain EDP (2022 - 2023)


Zain Girac England U16 (2017)

Jeevan Degun England U16 (2019)

Anoop Sahota England U16 (2021, 2022)


  • Aneesh Deogan
  • Anoop Sahota
  • Ben Newcombe
  • Charlie Dowse
  • George Godwin
  • James Mason
  • Rohan Bhuhi
  • Satvir Sahota
  • Tom Moorhouse
  • Yuvraj Bhuhi
  • Zain Girach


  • Amar Chudasama
  • Aneesh Deogan
  • Anoop Sahota
  • Ben Newcombe
  • Charlie Dowse
  • Ethan Smith
  • George Godwin
  • Hephzibah Smalley-Kaspruk
  • James Mason
  • Patrick Fahy
  • Rohan Bhuhi
  • Ruben Smalley-Kaspruk
  • Satvir Sahota
  • Senna Patel
  • Tait Shipman
  • Tom Moorhouse
  • Yuvraj Bhuhi
  • Zach Laurenti
  • Zain Girach



  • Henry Powell
  • Jason Lv
  • Matt Smith
  • Oscar Collinge
  • Taran Jaswal


  • Joseph Khalid
  • Joshua Goodman


  • Daisy Wesley
  • Isabel Gratton
  • Lucia Powell

Please get in touch if there are any errors or omissions from this list - we have done our best to provide only verified information!

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